Kim Sneum Madsen Promoted to CEO of Umbraco, the “Friendly” Content Management System (CMS) Provider

Founder Niels Hartvig to Focus on Expanding Active Open Source Community

Umbraco, the provider of the flexible, friendly, easy-to-use and full-featured open-source content management system (CMS),announced the promotion of the company’s chief sales, service and support executive, Kim Sneum Madsen, to chief executive officer. Madsen officially replaces founder Niels Hartvig, allowing Hartvig to focus on expanding the company’s active open source community.

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In 2005, Hartvig founded Umbraco CMS, the only .NET-based CMS that also offers all of the advantages of open source software such as the ability to use the software and make changes freely, without expensive licensing fees. Umbraco gives developers the flexibility and freedom to build websites, apps and other solutions with the look and features they want, while enabling editors and content creators to easily and quickly get content in front of their customers. Umbraco CMS and the Umbraco Cloud run more than 500,000 websites worldwide, while being developed and maintained primarily by a global community of 220,000 developers.

“My expertise is in software design and community development, so to grow Umbraco into the type of company I envisioned, I knew we needed someone with vast business experience like Kim,” said Hartvig, who was named a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional in 2014, 2015 and 2016. “Since he joined us 3.5 years ago to help run our sales, service and support, we’ve experienced yearly growth between 25 and 40 percent and added 40 new employees. With Kim trusted at the helm, I’m now ready to go back to where my true passion lies—completely focused on building the Umbraco community, the main reason for our global success and continued development.”

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Prior to joining Umbraco in January 2016, Madsen served for 12 years in various service, support and sales management roles at e-conomic international, a Denmark-based accounting software program. He also served for several decades in various high-pressure and high-risk relief and military roles, specifically within the Danish Emergency Management Agency. In addition to working at Umbraco, Madsen is on the board of directors for the IT industry Region of Funen, Denmark, which supports Funen IT companies.

“Working at Umbraco over the last few years has been extremely fulfilling and fruitful as we’ve strived to combine our open source project with the commercial initiatives through Umbraco Cloud,” Madsen said. “With Niels focused on bringing even more creativity, talent and ideas from our active and dedicated community, and our management team focused on growing Umbraco into an even greater business, we’ll ensure our customers and partners get the most safe, professional and high-quality products available.”

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CMScontent management systemKim Sneum MadsenNewsUmbraco
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