SalesAgility’s disruption Of The CRM Market Continues With Announcement Of New SuiteCRM 8 Functionality

Suitecrm 8, Salesagility’s New State-Of-The-Art Solution Will Bring a Modern and Flexible Platform to the CRM Market Whilst Maintaining Our Commitment to Open Source.

SalesAgility, the authors and maintainers of SuiteCRM, the world’s most popular Open Source Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application, has announced plans for the release of SuiteCRM 8. Currently under advanced development and planned for initial release in Q1 2020, this state-of-the-art solution will bring a modern, powerful, secure and flexible platform, while continuing SalesAgility’s commitment to keep SuiteCRM 100% Open Source.

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SuiteCRM 8 will be the largest launch of SuiteCRM to date with the primary focus being on user experience, scalability and flexibility. Designed for all devices and screen sizes and optimized for touch on mobile, SuiteCRM’s new user interface (UI) will deliver new interactive visualisations and a fresh foundation on which future features can be built. Combining the power of enterprise class CRM with state-of-the-art presentation technologies, SuiteCRM’s new UI is intended to help users more rapidly and efficiently access key customer insights and to drive streamlined operations across all customer touchpoints.

“SuiteCRM 8 is a game changer in the CRM Market, by providing an open source CRM that users will love without breaking the bank on proprietary software. SuiteCRM 8 will help businesses put customers first by enabling them to sell, market and service smarter and to scale CRM deep into their organisations.” said Dale Murray, CEO of SalesAgility.

1st Release:

The aim of the SuiteCRM 8 version 1.0 release is to provide maximum backwards compatibility whilst providing access to the new modern User Interface (UI). Included in this release of SuiteCRM 8 will be the new Kanban view, which will bring a new way to visualise and track data, in a more productive way.

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The traditional view of SuiteCRM will also get a face-lift within this release. The new Record view will merge Edit and Detail views into one unified Record view designed to allow the user to work with their data in a more efficient way. Finally, the new List View will be enhanced to incorporate readily available visualisation and charting functions which will provide the user with greater insights, at a glance.

The Medium Term:

SuiteCRM 8 functionality will be released iteratively throughout 2020. From a technology perspective, the introduction of a new Core framework will result in the deprecation of all residual SugarCRM contributions from the codebase leaving a leaner and more maintainable application.

From a user perspective, the transition to this new single page application will use cutting edge technology, with ‘Angular’ being a key part of the new architecture. This will open the SuiteCRM project up to new and exciting opportunities for integration and collaboration in the future.


Community engagement and support is a key part of any successful Open Source project. SalesAgility will work with our SuiteCRM community and help them adapt to the new framework and welcomes community feedback and contributions to our shared goals. We will also work with the Extensions community to ensure a smooth transition for the hundreds of third party plug-ins that are a vital and valuable part of the SuiteCRM ecosystem.

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crmcustomer relationship managementNewsSalesAgilitySuiteCRMSuiteCRM 8
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